Friday, May 20, 2011

Walnut exhaust bath

I had some dye bath from the previous walnut dye experiment, so I thought I would try dyeing some wool that had been mordanted with alum and CoT.

Didn't turn out as well as I had expected. I expected lighter, but this was about 10-15% of the original color. I was expecting more.

I think I did about 2 oz, again mordanted with 1T alum and .75 tsp C.o. T. (If it's 4 oz, then the the alum and CoT would be double.)

Simmered, let cool and added to the dye bath, which was in a bucket outside the garage. Didn't know what to expect, so I just tried that. The color did not seem to be adhering.  I rinsed it and rinsed out most of the color, so I put the dye bath and wool into the crock put, simmered, let cool, and left overnight.

It's a lot lighter than I was expecting, but I have a few more things to try just to see what the change would be.

And with that I will have to go stock up on more fisherman's wool.

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