Friday, May 20, 2011

Red Cabbage #2, Exhaust bath

I had plenty of bath left over from Red Cabbage #2, which produced a lovely light grey blue.

I figured I would try 2 oz. of wool. Mordanted in 1T alum and .75 tsp of Cream of Tartar.

Put the cooled wool into the dye bath and put the crock pot on high for some time. (Lost track of time, truth be told.) Pulled the wool out and let the dye bath drain off it for a few minutes. There was a hint of purple, but I didn't think that would stay. I left it in over night.

Next day, it was about the same. Added 2T ish of iodized salt (similar to what I did for the dye bath originally), and reheated it. Let it sit overnight again.

It came out a tanish brown. Not wholly unattractive, just not what I was expecting. I'm not sure what the salt is doing, but time to research and find out.

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