Monday, May 9, 2011

SCA A&S 50 Challenge

I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I want to focus on for the challenge. Do I want to do an indepth look at natural dyeing, with the understanding that what I'm doing may not be within the scope of period, but that they too, would have looked at local plants and gone, "I wonder if that would..."

My goal (as of 10/13) is to do 50 things in Fiber Arts. 
1. My first experiment with dyeing - pomegranate
2. Dyeing experiment - Tumeric
3. Dye Experiment - Saffron #1
4. Dye experiment - Saffron #2
5. Dye experiment - Annatto seeds
6. Dye experiment - Paprika
Okay, from here on out, I'm just going to put what I dyed with... I think everyone gets the idea about "dye experiment..."
So, without further ado...
7. Cinnamon
8. Stronger Cinnamon
9. Red Cabbage #1
10. Black beans (?) (Okay, I don't think black beans are period, however, it was one of the first times I did research on the how.)
11. Walnut
12. Marigold
13. Black bean dyed yarn, partially overdyed with marigold. (Didn't work so well, but the reverse probably would. Will try later.)
14. Strawberry
15. Red Cabbage #2
16. Red Cabbage #2, exhaust bath
17. Walnut exhaust bath (Juglans nigra)
18. Iris flowers experiment (Iris germanica)
19. Iris root (Iris germanica)
20. Curly Dock, leaves (Rumex crispus)
21. Queen Anne's Lace/Wild Carrot, flowers (Daucus carota)
22. Queen Anne's Lace, flowers, ammonia afterbath
23. Brown-eyed Susan, flower heads (Rudbeckia?)
24. Brown-eyed Susan, vinegar afterbath
25. Brown-eyed Susan, ammonia afterbath
26. Spun American Jacob fleece into yarn (2 ply).
27. Dyed American Jacob with Indigo
28. Spun Merino into yarn
28. Cleaned a fleece (Baby Doll - not a period fleece, but it was free)
29. Combed a fleece (Baby Doll)
30. 1 yard of bobbin lace
31. 2 feet bobbin lace (N.M #9, 60/2 thread)
32. Combed Shetland fleece

Other randomness:
Liripipe hood
Coptic bound book
Bobbin Lace

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